Saturday 1 December 2007

Hissobel hearts Maxine

Yo S'up Ma Peeps.

I know it's been a long time since I last got my fluffly pantaloons on the interwebs, but I haz been busy killing venimous snakes and politicians. Managing Maxine's campaign distracted me from the diet, and what do you know I've lost half a kilo. Only 800 grams to go and watch out I'll be wearing stretch velvet again. I miss my hoochy tracksuit.

So, did anyone think this was "an accident"? Just a bit of slippery Isobel liquid gold sprayed thoughtfully in his flight path was enough to assist the miser in his graceful fall. I made a sprint for it and I don't think anyone suspected a thing. When the Max Factor started exhuberantly dancing to jazz in the streets of Bennelong I had to make sure she was a contrasting vision of co-ordination.

This woman is a national hero. Cats around the country are purring for Maxine '15

Or maybe I'm just purring for the new full fat bicuits I ate this morning to help remove tartar. I'm not really sure.

Y'all can call me Blissobel.



Anonymous said...

Well done with the campaign Hissy, Will you be moving to Canberra to be the Director of Feline affairs?

Hissabel said...

Yo Fattie. S'up. Only if I can convince caucus to agree that all canines be sent to the detention facilities on Nauru (can't have all that infrastructure go to waste can we?!)