Saturday 19 January 2008

Possibly a princess. Possibly a queen.

Hey peeps.

I haven't hissed much in the last few days ... just been catching some zzzzzs. I guess it's all that crack-nip I've been snorting. Couldn't even be bothered to go mousing. It's too rainy outside, and the couch has got a nice layer of my fur all over it - feels just like satin sheets. Plus, I hate getting wet paws. EEEW. Cold wet grass is gross. Anyhoo, the only thing missing in my life right now is a champagne cocktail and a tiara.

My human has been calling me a " lil' possum ".What has she been smokin'?

I is a cat.

Love Hissabel

Thursday 17 January 2008

Ich bin awesome

Happy new year bitches!

Resolutions for the human-calendar year ahead (in no particular order):

* eat more cicadas
* eat more in general
* increase litter-tray stench by approximately 23%
* increase territory marking by furball
* embrace thunder (sing Prince to get through the terror)
* maintain girth
* drink more water
* try beer
* sing a new scat-jive
* claw fresh corner of couch
* avoid weigh-ins
* make friends with gizmo (ha! just kidding, that piece of skank!)