Thursday 24 May 2007

I am the Ghandi of diet resistance

Yo. Howdy Peeps.

Dieting Resistance Strategy No.1:

Sleep deprivation techniques are a highy effective means of communicating the need for food. Mini-humans do this by crying in the middle of the night. I do this by scratching at the door, meowing, walking my bootylicious self over my human, peeking through the curtains and letting the light in, and gently placing my cold wet nose against my human's face. I choose to do this at any time between the hours of 0400 - 0600 hours. Closer to 0600 hours is usually most effective as the human usually caves-in and gets up to placate my urgent nutritional fervour.

Dieting Resistance Strategy No. 2:

Allay touch and affection more than usual. Tease the human by idling towards her and then moving quickly past, leaving the tail limp so she gets no sat-tis-fact-shion from my lovely furriness. Hide behind the couch. Peep out looking especially cute.

Repeat Process 4 to 5 times for greatest effect.

I have been rather hyperactive the last few days. Decided some hooliganism was needed as things have been much too serious lately with the human sitting infront of the machine that flashes light in a screen infront of her. She uses her fingers to make a sound like rain on the roof. I tried to do the same thing once, but was told politely that 'key boards', cats, and thesis drafts don't mix. I don't understand why because a keyboard has a mouse. Mmmm. Food group.



Anonymous said...

some reading for you darling

French Cats Don't Get Fat: The Secrets of La Cuisine Feline

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Hissabel said...

salut et yo, lepetitepuddytat - j'attends avec impatience votre idees de suivre un regime pour maigrir. vous etes tres sympa. a bientot!