Sunday 20 May 2007

Human life begins on the far side of despair

Yo. S'up peeps. Thanks J-P for that inspiring quote. I'm feeling all frenchie-french au jourd'hui as I'm in the middle of reading a thriller by Colette.
The new fandangled diet involves plotting my progress on a chart. Next weigh in is in 2 weeks time. I've decided to research this issue so I can manipulate my human as much as possible. Zipped through 'fat is a feminist issue' and realised that maybe I like to wear my podge as a protective layer against intimacy. Afterall, being this hefty scares most humans away from the thought of trying to pick me up and cuddle me. I'm all for 'personal space' (must be a cultural thing). My human is the only one who hasn't been deterred, so I have to resort to squirming, hissing, and if called for, scratching, in order to release myself. So, why can't humans work out that felines such as myself aren't scared of intimacy - we just think it stinks of dog behaviour. Pish. I gotta get on with my reading before the human returns ..."She fled methodically and jumped carefully, keeping her eyes fixed on her adversary and condescending neither to fury nor to supplication. The most violent emotion of all, the terror of dying, soaked the sensitive soles of her paws with sweat so that they left flower-like prints on the stucco balcony"... Catch.


Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Hissabel, Scrapster here!! Yep you're probably may be hanging on to all that insulation simply because you can't stand human affection or intimacy. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum, I simply revel in both human intimacy and affection (can’t seem to get enough of it). This could potentially explain my very handsome, lean stature. Perhaps there is a theory in the making here?

Your nemesis, Scrappy Doo

Hissabel said...

Scrapster! Yo, it's been a long time. You know the reason I couldn't stand living with you is because you obey your human, just like a dog. You sold out dude. I can understand though, cos your human is hott stuff and even I have to admit I would vie for her attention. How is Luka?