Friday 8 June 2007

Secret Stash = Sporran

Heh. Heh. Heh.

My human thinks that I'm suddenly full of energy and want to go outside and "play" for long periods of time.

It took the best part of a week to find, but I have discovered a secret stash about 1,000 tails away. Stored in a bowl with the words 'REX', I have found a supply of full-fat dry biscuits. It takes approximately half an hour to reach my supply, consume, and return to the immediate garden of my home. This should minimise weight loss and make my human question her ability to maintain the regime.

I WILL break her down. She will give up the nonsense.

Anyhoo. Catch yo later, peeps.

Love Hissabel.

PS thank you for the tip anon. re water retention. I will now try to consume an entire bowl of water prior to the next weigh in to minimise the weightloss results. Every gram counts in convincing my human that I am 'big boned' and should be return to normal portions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hissabel, you are a mischeivous she-devil! Have to admit I'm very impressed with your resourcefulness and ability to maintain an oh-so-innocent facade whilst deceiving your human. I wonder if I can apply such tricks when questions are asked as to the fate of the mint slices...